Monday, 16 March 2015

Selamat hari raya (2014)

Raya 2014, I made baju kurung and baju melayu for my family and friends, this is also my 1st trial in malay costumes... I'm keen to learn more in future... thanks to them for being so supportive..

Short sleeves baju kurung for my nieces at hometown...glad they fit it just nice..

My family
Black n white short sleeves baju kurung for me n my daughter
Black and white short sleeves baju melayu for my hubby and son.....

Short sleeves baju kurung

Short sleeves baju kurung

Cute baby with green baju melayu

Cute girl with maroon baju kurung...


  1. kacak black n white ya.. i like333..
    n bju mlayu bb ya.. ttq van.. make 4 bb irfan.. 1st time ko jhit bju mlayu baby based on contoh. ng talented.

  2. kacak black n white ya.. i like333..
    n bju mlayu bb ya.. ttq van.. make 4 bb irfan.. 1st time ko jhit bju mlayu baby based on contoh. ng talented.
