Sunday, 15 March 2015

Let's get it started

I make clothes...
I modify clothes...

It started when my mother in-law gave me a sewing machine, somewhere around February, was last year...Well, the sewing machine, it's an old type, old but it's electronic...i don't mind at all, i just need one a long time ago...i guess, here i am, this is it, make me appreciate it the most...of coz, i was very excited, it's just like a dream comes true... all i need is just explore and learn...maybe read n search more about clothes from the gonna be fun!!

For real, actually, i don't attend any courses or classes in this field...i just love beautiful and stylish clothes... When i was little, I use to watch my mom made clothes for her customers... I even 'try' to sew using her sewing machine.. At the end, she got angry, coz i was just slowing down her was just a long time ago....yeahh...ok, now, let's get back here...this is it, my sewing machine.. ta...daaa...!...

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